Meet Heather!
Coaching high-performing women to step into their power and create healthy relationships in all areas of life.
As women, we’ve spent our lives being twisted into pretzels, trying to fit the molds of who we think we should be, rather than embracing our authentic selves.
That’s an uncomfortable truth to come up against, but I believe there comes a time when we’re forced to acknowledge we can’t keep doing things – doing life – the same way.
Most of us go through life with a sense there’s a list or a plan we should follow. Something like:
Go to school ➟ Get a degree ➟ Get a job ➟ Get married ➟ Get a house ➟ Have a kid ➟ Get a better job ➟ Get a bigger house ➟ Have another kid ➟ and so on and so on…
Plus, of course, you have to walk the line of insane expectations for women while you do it, like: be attractive but don’t try too hard, be nice and polite but don’t be a pushover but don’t rock any boats either, and climb the ladder but don’t be too aggressive, etc. etc. etc.
It’s an impossibility; no matter how hard you work or how many boxes you check off the list, if you’re not being true to you – your authentic self – happiness will always be elusive.
I got tired of watching women struggle and that’s when I realized my calling.
For more than 15 years, I’ve been coaching high-performing women in navigating this challenging space. Helping them break free from the conditioning that keeps them stuck in the over-achieving, perfectionistic, people-pleaser patterns and shift into joy, authenticity, and true satisfaction.
Women deserve to feel vibrant, fulfilled, and happy in their personal and professional lives. Balancing the demands of a successful career and having satisfying personal lives and relationships shouldn’t be that hard.
So, I decided to do something about it.
After over a decade in the corporate world as a nationally recognized and award-winning Training Designer & Facilitator, where I worked with leaders and their teams on everything from technical processes to conflict management and relationship building, I took the leap to private practice.
As a Certified Professional Co-Active Coach and member of the International Coach Federation, I’ve continued to develop myself and my skills, with a particular focus on relationships. I am also a Level II Gottman Certified Clinician and have training in Attachment Theory and Schema Therapy.
More about my process:
Doing inner-work is hard. It’s confusing, uncomfortable, and working through the layers can feel endless and and unclear. In fact, for myself, my experience of that process has been decades long. After all, authentic confidence and deep self-worth starts at the roots, but I really believe it’s worth it!
I wanted something better for my clients. I wanted a way to zero in on the work that needs to be done and a clear strategy for taking action, and that’s how my concept for the Personal Blueprint process came to life.
I wanted something that gave my clients in-depth, concrete, and measurable answers about why they are the way they are and where they need to put their focus so they can stop chasing their tails and wasting energy.
Solving a problem is easier when you have a relatable framework to understand it.
Through my journey and expertise, I’ve crafted a unique process for supporting my clients. I believe you can’t solve a problem if you don’t have a proper framework to understand it, and that’s why my Personal Blueprint and coaching strategy is so effective.
My process gives us direct access to understanding why you are the way you are by taking a deep-dive into 18 critical areas that determine the health of your relationship with yourself – the relationship that all other relationships and experiences are generated from.
We uncover the contributing factors that keep you stuck in patterns of thinking and being. Based on the work of Dr. John Gottman and his world renowned Relationship Checkup, my Personal Blueprint process is an overall checkup on your relationship with yourself, giving you a clear starting place and specific suggestions for action, ensuring you can start and finish strong.
The Personal Blueprint gives us direct access to understanding why you are the way you are.
Not only do we look at how well you know yourself (your needs and desires) we look at things like how well you trust yourself, how self-critical you are, how well you can receive from others, and eighteen other deep-dive areas.
Then because it’s important to understand why we are that way, we look at all the contributing factors that keep you stuck in those patterns of thinking and being for yourself. We get a baseline score on your attachment style, maladaptive schemas, codependent tendencies, family history, coping strategies, and more.
This highly personalized and unique process produces results like nothing else!